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Crazy guy's video: Just damn cute girls TCHR-031

系列作: とある男

Overview: I think about the standard of a woman's face that most people find cute. Big eyes,round features,small nose,small chin,and well-proportioned facial features. Clear,healthy skin is preferable. And smiling a lot and having a wide variety of expressions is a must. Also,if the face has a little childishness,it makes it more innocent and cute,and it is easier to be recognized as "cute". I think about the personality of such women in general. It's better to have a good personality. But the personality of such women is a little subtle. They have high self-esteem because they are confident in their appearance and charm,and they are good at relying on people around them. I guess they think "I'm cute,so I'll be forgiven". Maybe that's why they are good at relying on men and kind people and asking for things. They are not afraid to interact with people. Also,if they feel even the slightest bit of stress,they will mercilessly vent their thoughts and dissatisfaction. It pisses me off to death. I'm going to stop here because my prejudices are about to stop. I'm starting to feel sad,so this is pointless... What do you think of these two? They are both cute girls who fit the annoying criteria. The first one is a damn cute girl with red hair. She's petite and still a little childish,so she's a bit of a social ghost. The second one is just a cute girl. She has big eyes,a raccoon face,and a clear complexion. What they have in common is that they speak their minds clearly and complain a lot. They're stupid women who were lured in by high-paying part-time jobs. They think they've got it all in life just because they're pretty,so they run into an old man's photo shoot...? They run into you and get completely torn to pieces. I'll be clear that the world isn't that easy. They're restricted from showing their faces or taking off their clothes,and in a few hours they become a naked woman. Life's over. On top of that,they're free and they're cheating,so I'm sorry. You were a good player. Thank you for your hard work.

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